Part 1
To be done before class if possible:)
Stepping Stones in the Garden
Cutting instructions for double size (80"x96")
other sizes follow at the end
quilt can be totally scrappy or controlled scrappy. For totally
scrappy, you will need (160) 4.5" light squares and (10) 2.5" WOF light
fabrics and approximately 4 yards of dark 1.5" strips (WOF)
20 different lights and 20 different darks |
Controlled scrappy:
20 different lights: cut as shown out of a fat quarter or .25 yd. each
1/4 yard (9"x42") will yield 4 Double 4 patch blocks (D4)and 2 double 4 patch triangles(T) |
Fat quarter yields the same as the 1/4 yd but is easier to cut |
Top to bottom is 18", left to right is 22. Cut two strips off left at 4 1/2", then 1 strip at 5", then 2 (or 3) at 2 1/2 |
Cross cut first two strips at 4 1/2, second strip at 5" and 2 1/2", and leave rest of fabric at 2 1/2"strips |
Cut the (2) 5" squares into triangles |
(20) 2.5" strips for center blocks and (50) 1.5" strips for Stripe border
20 different darks: cut a 2.5 strip off of each for center blocks and
another (50) 1.5 " strips off the darks for striped border. (I used
more strips of the darker of my darks for sharp contrast.)
Stack pieces
in 2 piles: 4 triangles and (4) 2 1/2" squares each for your 20, 4 patch
triangles and (8) 4 1/2" squares with a neutral 2 1/2" strip and 1
dark 2 1/2" strip from your stack of 20 for 80 blocks. |
You will need (2) 2 1/2" dark squares for each of the 20 triangles, but we will cut those later as you might have scraps left but keep that in mind.
If you have the above done before class,
you will be able to get a lot done in class. The quilt is made up of 3
components: Double four patch blocks, 4 patch triangles and striped
Bertha approves of the color choices |
If you
have time, and want to be further ahead, sew 1 Dark 2 1/2" strip from 20 strip stack to light strips from one cut set
(butting lights along the dark to fill it. Press toward dark. Cut into
2 1/2 segments-you need 16. Stack with the (8) 4 1/2" squares. Do this for each set=20 sets ready to sew.
For Wall or Table Topper: 48" sq
You need 16 double 4 patch blocks and 20 striped/ 4 patch triangle blocks. Layout is 6x6
4 fat quarters or 1/4 yard lights and 6 different darks (1) 2 1/2" strip off each dark and (4) 1 1/2 " strips off each dark ( 1/4 yd of each dark-WOF)
Backing 3yds, batting 54x54
For Twin/Lap: 64x80"
You need 48 double 4 patch blocks and 32 striped/ 4 patch triangle blocks. Layout is 8x10
12 fat quarters or 1/4 yd assorted lights and 12 different 1/4 yd darks (WOF). Cut lights as shown above. Cut (1) 2 1/2" strip from each of the darks. Cut (4) 1 1/2" strips off of each dark
Backing 4 7/8, batting 70x86
you in class on April 18th, 10:30-3:30 at the Crazy 9 Patch! I am
providing a large salad and a baguette and maybe something chocolate. |