Thursday, February 25, 2016

Joy for Jackie

My friend who was in the near fatal accident in January has been flown back to San Diego and is continuing her recovery but it will be a long road.  I finished the top of her quilt "Joy for Jackie" and sent it to the quilter.  I won't be able to give it to her before I leave for Asilimar next week, but it will be quilted and bound before I get home.  She can finally have visitors so will go and see her before I leave-as well as my dear friend, Ginny who has a badly broken ankle.

There have been a few pregnancies in the counseling departments in our district so I have been working almost full time.  I do not like being quite so busy!  I will find out on Monday if a counselor at the schoolsite where I am currently working would like to work 4 days a week.  If so, I would work the 5th day every week.  That translates to 4 days a month at per Diem which equates to 15 days at sub pay.  I am praying!  Life would be much easier and I would be part of a team again-which I miss as a sub.
Lastly, I am headed to Assilimar for a class with Susan Carlson next week.  8 of us from Friendship Quilters are going and 3 of the 8 are in Susan's class.  I am pretty excited!

A 1908-1912 9W7 Singer Treadle that I just bought.  Ordered missing parts.  Cabinet is beautiful.  bad picture.
Getting Help from Bertha

Joy for Jackie  (Joy is embroidered in red in the middle of each yellow flower center)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Allietare Finished

Finally got the last border on and backing pieced to send to the quilter on Friday.

The border and the backing are both made out of a black and white Paris inspired fabric.  The friend that will receive it traveled with me to Paris and London 8 years ago for our birthdays.  I will definitely make this pattern again-just love it.  i didn't make the full size quilt-this was big enough for me:)

To see all the different interpretations of this awesome pattern from Bonnie Hunter go to