A lot has changed in the last year. Cant believe it has been a year since posting last.
My friend that was almost killed in the accident last January is almost restored to good health. Praise God!
Our house in Medford had a major hemmorage and the sewer line from house to street gave up the ghost after nearly 100 years. Of course the insurance didn't cover it because it was outside the house, nor did it cover the hotel we had to house the renters for two weeks.
We are putting the Medford house on the market as soon as possible.
We took a long camping trip from Ramona to Washington and back last September-loved it! Needed it!
Had our neighbor, Neal as a boarder for 9 mos. until he could move to Oregon to rejoin his family after his retirement.
Friend, ken, moved in as a renter for 5 mos until he could feel comfortable in his new job. He moved out into his own place in January. We will remain empty nesters.
Started a monthly class called "The Calendar Club" with several brand new quilters. We have a new quilting space in Ramona called Sew Easy Studio. Teachers rent the space for the day and hold classes. We love it!
One thing hasn't changed: God is good and His mercies endure forever!!
March Flimsey-working on hand sewing Freezer paper applique |
April Flimsey is now quilted and crystal butterflies were sewed to points. This version is fused.
I realized my last post talked about Asilomar and the class with Susan Carlson. Both were amazing. Best time ever! And this is the almost finished product of that class: