I started to work part time without stopping my very full retired life and it finally just got to be too much. So, I finished my duties as programs chair for Friendship Quilters and didn't take on any new ones. Our wonderful local quilt shop, The Crazy 9 Patch closed a couple of months ago so my tenure as a quilting teacher ended naturally at that venue. I am teaching my last class which ends in January at Poway Sewing and that will free up a little more time. I have a break from subbing until January 1 when I will work 2 to 3 days a week until school ends in June. Because of all the busyness, I stopped blogging for awhile. I didn't have much to show anyway as I hadn't been quilting all that much.
I do want to share "Falling Leaves" which is Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt from 2 years ago. Just got it back from the binder's and I love it!
This quilt will grace the guest room bed during the fall. Since the quilt shop closed a few sit and sews have cropped up and I am happily quilting with the girls again. Life is good!