Just need to add the binding to this piece I did in Helene Knott's class. I am doing more small quilts lately and am liking them a lot-instant gratification.
Using some of Vicki W's hand dyed for the binding |
I started an art quilt class that meets 2x a month. Our first project was a 12x12 using the theme, "chair". It scares me a little that this 64 yr old picture came to mind although I do like the end result.
Inktense pencils on inkjet printed cotton-Day 24 of potty training. My mom was not a fan of the diaper change. She was a great mom with a delicate stomach:) |
Leaving for Seattle on Saturday. I am taking PFD fabric, fabric paints and a brayer. I am hoping to get some handprints of the girls for a Mother's day quilt for my beloved DIL.