Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guy Woodward Museum Quilt Show

I worked the quilt show Friday and helped hang it last Wednesday.  we had about 20 come through the 2 hours I worked and they bought opportunity tickets for the quilt and seemed to enjoy the show.  We had 54 quilts not counting the antique quilts that the museum was displaying.  It was good! I worked on my Home Sweet Home while I waited.  I am on the LAST block-would sure like to get that one done-still have the embroidery of addresses and the border swags to applique-but the blocks are about done!

Jan's Valentine Quilt-84 pieces in every block
My Snow Crystals from the Jan Krentz workshop bottom left

My Christmas Quilt 3rd from left
Geneva Woodward made this

This was an interesting quilt-had some unexpected blocks in it

Janet Haas version of Mary Lou Weidman's pattern, Chicken Soup
I had a blurry picture of this quilt on the Back Country Quilter's blog and Mary Lou commented on it-I went running into the office exclaiming to my husband "Mary Lou Weidman read my blog!"  he gave me a very odd look and just said, "so?".  I felt like a groupie.  I am a MLW groupie-they are officially called Loonies and when I take her 2 day class this summer, I will buy the "looney" pin.  So there:)

1 comment:

Quiltedtime said...

Thanks for sharing a charming show. That building looks like the perfect venue. Love the high ceilings and exposed beams. Your quilts look great.