Why don't I pack the motorhome and take the 20 mile trek to Julian 3 or 4 times a year instead of once? I always come back in much better shape than when I leave. I have time to sit and listen instead of go, go, go. I have started an inductive study of the book of James. I decided to make my own study sheets which means typing out the whole book. What a blessing just typing the word of God. He spoke to me so powerfully. At the Women's retreat I was doing a devotional that I finished in Julian. I ran across a phrase 4x while doing the devotional about relying on strong horses. I said, "God, what does that mean for me?" The next day I pulled out my day 4 of my Names of God devotional by Kay Arthur. God is amazing-it referred to a verse that had a "relying on strong horses" phrase and Kay goes on to explain what that phrase means-which is relying on ourselves or anything else that isn't God.
Theme: Defending the faith |
Mari, Penny and ? |
Sarah (worship leader), Mari (pastor's wife) Gail Mays (speaker) |
Adrienne and Sarina |
I got it, Lord. I have been trying so hard to get us moved closer to our granddaughters that it has caused some stress between my husband and I. When I came home and told him what God had showed me, he opened up and we had a good talk about moving. It ended with him going to look for blankets at garage sales. I am always amazed when God knows me better than I do-I shouldn't be but I am. What a good daddy I have! I know we are going to move-I just need to get out of the way, pray more and speak less:)
I got the top of HSH done and the borders drafted. Been working on it for over a year. I recut and pieced the stars in the middle block and didn't hardly lose a point this time-my skill level has improved exponentially. Now I can start on the swag borders and know what I am doing.
Motorhome workspace |
A perfect studio on wheels |
Beautiful weather and campground: William Heise Park in Julian | | |
Home Sweet Home middle of quilt-it will have addresses of all our SD residences embroidered around the edge and then beautiful red swags appliqued under the embroidery-it is getting close! |
I also took apart the checked borders on Beauty and Check and restitched them. Now that quilt is square. Feels so good to have gotten all that done!
On Monday a special friend left us to continue eternity with Jesus in heaven. No more sorrow, no more bad health days. She was eating popcorn the week before, got dizzy, threw her hands up and her heart stopped. A week later they took out the tube that was keeping her alive and with her family surrounding her, she left us. I will so miss her. She had very little in worldly goods, but she had a heart you could park a semi in. She loved me, prayed for me and made me laugh everytime I talked to her. She was a street person for 30 years until she gave her heart to Jesus. For the last 12 years she shared what He had given her-joy, love, herself. I hugged her a couple of weeks ago and said, "Carole, what would I ever do without you?". I am going to miss her so much. She was only 61-reminded me to keep short accounts, hold Jesus close, make sure I tell those I love how much they mean to me.
Glad to be back home, missed my hubby and our puppy. She turned 1 on the 4th.
Lizzy LOVES frisbee-she will be a good camper. |