Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Feeling Better About Not Being Fully Caught Up

I made lists for every day last week and ALMOST got everything done.  I filled out contracts and got them in the mail and contacted another guild about sharing speakers and contacted Sue Spargo and David Taylor to see if they had an interest in coming to San Diego in April or May of 2015.  After Christmas, I can work on their goodie bags-thought a sewn insulated lunch sack with mints, nuts, seam ripper water etc would be kind of cute and i can do those ahead of time and hand them off to my replacement.

Got caught up on the quilt along Aiming for Accuracy (link on right side of this blog).  We are a little over 1/2 way through and I am liking the quilt:

Block 9 (9.5x29.5)
For those who have not done much sweat shop stitching Here is a short tutorial without words:)

1 comment:

Quiltedtime said...

Wow! You really ARE busy. Wish I could go to those workshops you are setting up. They sound really good.