I am prepping my EPP pies and tarts pieces without sewing. I am using starch and a hot iron just like the applique process without freezer paper. I am using and reusing the paper wedges I was sent. I have to say it is working wonderfully. The edges that fold over the paper are crisp and everything stays nicely together without sewing until you start whipstitching the pie pieces together. However, it takes a while and I needed a place to safely keep the hot iron to complete the process. I had been prepping as I went and decided since this UFO has to be done by April-I would get all the prepping done in one fell swoop.
Much to my husband's chagrin, I pulled a 4 foot table into the living room and made a workstation near the outlets. This way I am not locked away for long hours by myself doing TV watching work. I will finish cutting the fabric pieces tonight (only 25 large and 25 small sets to go). Then I can start starching and ironing those and the approximately 25-30 sets cut but not ready to stitch. That way everything will be ready to grab and stitch and I may get this done on time! Greg leaves Sunday for Medford to oversee the destruction that has become our house-pipes burst, water flowed, walls need to be removed and replaced-but, since the wiring needed to be redone anyway-thought it would be good for Greg to be there to oversee and coordinate the starting of the process. God is good-we have rental insurance that will even pay the lost revenue-amazing that a seeming disaster could end up as a good thing:)-so, i can leave my table up for another week-I'll get lots done!
Temporary work station-Finally got a sleeping aid-am waiting to take it 15 min. before bed-and yes! I slept a whole night! |
On a personal note. My allergist has done all she could-she is stepping me off the prednisone-Thank-you, Jesus!, and referring me to an ENT. The effects of the prednisone were horrific-couldn't think, couldn't stop talking, couldn't put a reasonable statement in front of another, couldn't stop scratching, irritable and edgy-worried about what I would say-so I have kept myself more or less confined for everyone's sanity So, we'll see where this route leads me. Still can't hear because my ears are blocked and my breathing is better but isn't where it should be. She is a good doctor and really has tried everything to help.
Pieces ready for cutting, small tarts done and counted, large pies done and counted, pieces on bottom row all cut 2 sizes and finished but not yet joined squares on far right |
Three rows out of 10 have been appliqued and joined-probably will complete it in 2, 3row and 1, 4 row piece. I would actually like to quilt this on my home machine but I will take it to the longarm while I live in So. Cali. Will have plenty of time to get into the home machine quilting when I move.
I still love this quilt-it will be my first Batik fabric quilt that I am keeping. It is bright and random and now I can check EPP of my list-never need to do that again:) |
If anyone is reading this-know that I appreciate it and am praying you will have a blessed day know ing that the God who created the universe cares about every minute detail of your life!